In his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Kiyosaki explained a key concept of ESBI. As we can see in the above picture, the various characteristics of people in each quadrant. Let’s discuss about the people in each quadrant, and figure out in which quadrant we find ourselves and how can we move to the most desired quadrants. First Quadrant: Employed: In this quadrant we find people who are employees. They always work for others and depend other instruments which take the money from them. Cars and their life is a struggle for survival. They often compare themselves with others who made what and in the process lose the complete picture. They cannot accumulate enough wealth in the process of working for others. Sadly we find many in society including ourselves in this category. Work hard, earn money, give 30% to Govt as tax, another 30% to banks in terms of interest and live a hand to mouth life. Buy more and more liabilities as houses,fear they are driven by insecurity,process upo...